Thursday, May 6, 2021

One post to finish up 2019

 Good grief!!  It's 2021 and I haven't even finished 2019...I'm a bad blogger!!  From car shows, to motorcycle rides, fundraisers to holidays, trips with friends and trips by ourselves, here is the condensed version of the rest of 2019 out of order, of course...

Georgia family came at Christmas 

We did the 1st half of Rt. 66, but I didn't put many pics here because I'm going to do a separate book for that whole trip when we finish it!

Took the camper to Branson, MO for motorcycle riding trip

New desk at work!

Gingerbread fishing fundraiser at Caddo Lake

Fundraiser for Danny McCormick for District 1 and he won!

Car show at First Methodist Bossier

Helping Katie move

San Antonio trip with Johnny, Sheri, Doug, Dawn, Curt and Lisa to see Chris Boss play.

Kay's 70th Birthday Bunco

El Camino 60th anniversary show in Dallas-there were like 160 cars from all over the U.S.!

Rich and Michele brought their '69 from Chicago!

Katie got a new car!

The traveling Vietnam Veteran Wall came to town.

And there was a car show with it.

Gingerbread House fundraiser luncheon. Mum won the big prize and gave it to Daniel - Golf for four at a local country club and a set of irons!

Fun at the fair!

Apartment shopping break in Dallas with Katie

Early Thanksgiving at my house

OK so I just like this and had to put it in here...:)

Thanksgiving at the Herron's

Fundraiser for a deputy

Island Christmas party


Independence Bowl

New Year's Eve dinner

Our midnight toast

2nd place winner at the El Camino 60th show!