Thursday, July 21, 2022

April, 2022

 Another month of fun!!

No wonder Kenneth can barely walk...both knees are bone on bone, poor guy!! Left knee replacement surgery set for July 1st!

Bridge update: spans are down and all that remains are the concrete pillars.

A bunch of us met at Nicky's one night for dinner and to listen to our friend Bobby and his band The Gray Daddies.

So happy for spring weather and motorcycle rides!

Stop at a nice outdoor place for a cool drink.

Palm Sunday!!

Mum gave me some new pots for my back yard. Springtime spruce up and clean up!

Easter Sunday at Daniel and Sophia's...Daniel making me my first Old Fashioned.

I must say, he's quite the bartender!! This drink was so good!!

Our hosts...just love these two so much!!

It was also Sophia's birthday...Happy Birthday, Sophia!!!

Olive just loves peach Crown Royal!!

Now that we know it's a girl, I'm not going to be able to pass up any sale at Dillards now...

See if you can find Kenneth in Bass Pro Shop!!

Checking in on Madi at her first 4D sonogram!!

Daniel quizzing the girl on all the measurements, etc.

Here is a still shot of a video I took. She was SO active and this technology is just amazing!!

My favorite pic from the gender reveal...Sophia was so happy!! And Daniel was so happy SHE was happy...awww...😍

Bush and Sandy came for a weekend visit. We went to Margaritaville for dinner and gambling.

Crawfish boil at Arvis and Pattie's

They know how to do it, for sure!!  Everything was so good!

Kenneth loves visiting with all of his old work friends

What a fun day this was!

March, 2022

 This March, 2022 we celebrated our 40th anniversary in Bay St. Louis along the Gulf Coast among some other things!

This was in Old Bay St. Louis...while Kenneth sat in the truck, I moseyed along the streets of the old town and shopped.

Celebrated Katie's birthday at Winter Jam with Kaylie Jayne and Shelby! We went to dinner then enjoyed a concert with seven Christian bands.

Traded in my faithful old Pilot for a newer model on the last day of this month. I still miss my old one, but I must admit the new one is pretty nice.

Mum and I met Katie and Terry at a new restaurant on Airline Dr.

We all enjoyed it!!

Kenneth enjoyed fishing this month...we ate a lot of crappie and it was wonderful!

Love it when we all hang out together...😍

Got a closet revamp!!

Following are pics from our anniversary trip. We had such a wonderful week!!

Cheers to 40 years!

Views from our hotel room.

Cool little breakfast spot right by the hotel

The oysters were all mine and they were delightful!!

Captain of our ferry ride to Ship Island. I wanted to tour Fort Massachusetts which is a beautifully preserved brick structure used during the Civil War. 

Saw several dolphins along the ride!

Watching the boats and the draw bridge

Anniversary dinner with a beautiful view!

Some of THE BEST sweet and spicy sausage you'll ever eat!!

Dinner stop on the way home

Line to get into Winter Jam!

Full house!

Skillet was the big draw...they always put on a great show!

Kaylie's favorite band!!

Happy Birthday, Katie!!!

It's the GENDER REVEAL party!!!!!!

Amber and Heather always do such a good job!

It's a GIRL!!!! Madison Marie is expected to make her debut on or about October 20th!

Visiting GMa and Haley

Here we all are at Winter my girls!!