Daniel and Kenneth went fishing Friday night while I stayed home and cleaned out yet another cabinet, paring down our possessions. I really don't want to have so much stuff anymore and retirement seems to be a good time to down-size! Fish were caught and another UHaul box is filled for The Providence House...:)
Saturday found us on the motorcycle for six hours and 224 miles! Stops at The Butcher Shop in Longview, TX for lunch, the Harley Davidson shop and on to Texarkana, TX to Gander Mountain. Only took five gallons of gas...
Sunday morning coffee on the porch and reading the newspaper on our tablets...
Church, then home for fried fish for lunch and the guys went fishing again while I visited with Mum and Haley. It was a very relaxing day and the fish were biting again!

The Lord provided a wonderful weekend full of family and fun!