On Tuesday, I hurried home from work so we could head into Shreveport for the last Tuesday Farmers' Market. It's getting so hot that they end the Tuesday market and have Saturday morning market only. I love summertime because we get SO many fresh fruits and vegetables and there is just nothing like eating everything when it's "just picked"...:) When we got home, I cooked up some purple hull peas and steamed some fresh corn on the cob. I didn't plant my earth boxes this year because we're gone so much and I didn't want to have to ask someone to water them every day. But our neighbor and my boss both have big gardens and they've been sharing and I fill in with the Farmers' Markets around me. Kenneth got a 50 ear bag of corn last week from Dixie Farms and we ate some and froze some. When I was at VBS Tuesday night, Kenneth went and helped pick Mr. Joe's garden and brought home two buckets full of produce - tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, yellow squash and zucchini. Last night, I hurried home from work so I could cook some of this deliciousness for dinner!
Shreveport Farmers' Market score! The purple hull peas were already shelled, blanched and frozen - yay! |
Fried okra, steamed squashes, fresh tomatoes and leftover peas and corn. |
We are certainly blessed to have all of this wonderful food available to us - thank you, Lord!!
I could eat this every night!! |
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