We haven't gone out for New Year's Eve in many years, but choose to stay home watching movies, dozing in the recliner until 11:50, then jumping up to open the champagne to toast the new year and go to bed. #weold
This year, we invited Arvis and Pattie over and had way more fun! Pattie and I both made snack foods and of course went overboard so we had plenty to eat. Add some drinks, darts, quarters, dice, party favors and YMCA to the mix and you've got yourself a New Year's Eve party!! Of course, it was over before 9:00 (see hashtag above) when they went home, but Kenneth and I still toasted 2022 with champagne...then went right to bed!! 2021 is over and even though our country has gone from prosperity to chaos in just eleven months, I have so many wonderful memories of the year. Praying for our elected leadership, hoping for a brighter state of our country and looking forward to new adventures in 2022! No matter what the new year brings or who sits in the White House, I KNOW Who sits on the throne in heaven and Who will guide me in the new year.
Kenneth winding up with his first drink of the evening...I absolutely LOVE it when he dances through the house! |
Pattie said she couldn't play darts, but she is really good!! |
Y M C A!!!! |
May God bless us all with health, happiness and prosperity in 2022!! |
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