We didn't have anything planned for Labor Day and since it was a long weekend, Kenneth suggested we go to Hot Springs. AND since the weather was going to be pretty all weekend, we decided to ride the motorcycle. I got online to find a hotel room only to discover there was a festival going on in Hot Springs so there were no rooms to be found. I found a condo rental in Hot Springs Village and got the last one bedroom unit available - phew!!! Then I started trying to find a motorcycle ride to do while we were up that way and found The Tail of the Dragon ride. What a beautiful ride it was, too! It was pretty challenging for Kenneth driving as the turns and switchbacks were plentiful, but he really enjoyed it. He had to help with the Wheelchair Ramp Ministry Saturday morning which gave me time to get all of my laundry done and the house cleaned before we left.

Pulling out of the driveway Saturday around 1:00pm. |
North Louisiana cotton fields - looks about ready to pick! |
Red River |
Magnolia, AR is a quaint little town |
Really cool mural in the middle of town |
Lake Hamilton |
Beautiful church on the outskirts of Hot Springs |
A duckboat!! The kids used to love to do this when we visited Hot Springs years ago. |
The Arlington Hotel. This is where we always stayed on family vacations over the years. They were booked solid this weekend. |
Several pictures of the condo at Los Lagos that we rented. Very reasonable price and much better than a hotel room! |
There was a Mexican restaurant right around the corner that we had dinner at. Great property - would definitely rent again! |
Headed out riding Sunday morning about 8:30am and didn't get back until 6:30. Full day of beautiful scenery, good food and great riding! Rode to Russellville first for a late breakfast for Kenneth, early lunch for me at IHOP which lasted all the way to dinner!

I think Arkansas is the chicken capitol of the country! There are chicken houses everywhere! And the smell is quite unique - and awful! I could always tell when we were getting near to them.

Dinner stop in Hot Springs - great atmosphere and wonderful food! |
We got on the road Monday morning and headed out through Hot Springs right down Bathhouse Row. These old bathhouses have always fascinated me - it those old walls could talk!

And with it being Labor Day, I was afraid we would encounter lots of traffic but we pretty much had the roads to ourselves all the way home. Of course, we usually stay on the back roads when we ride the motorcycle so that may have had something to do with it.

More chicken houses! |
And even though neither of us were hungry, we had to stop at Burge's in Lewisville, AR. We had a nutritious lunch of root beer floats and I added a fried apple pie to mine! YUM!

Back in Louisiana after another wonderful trip...thanks be to God!

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