We left Cortez, Colorado Friday, September 3rd headed for Albuquerque, NM for an overnight there, then to Amarillo, TX for Saturday night there, on to Frisco, TX to stay with Curt and Lisa Sunday night and planned to be home Monday. Friday I had a bit of a sore throat and by Sunday, I woke up with a temperature 2.5 degrees warmer than usual and a really bad head cold so we headed straight for home. As much as I wanted to stop in Frisco, I did not want to get our friends sick and I felt so bad I just wanted to be home in my bed. We left Amarillo at 8:30am (which was really 7:30CST) and got home at 8:00pm. Over 12 hours on the road and two more trailer flats, one of which was 12 miles from the house, the good Lord brought us home safe!! I can't even put into words how awesome this trip was...so many people made it possible for me to do this. Charles, the boss who understands how important this was to us (Kenneth and I have talked about traveling one day ever since we got married!) and let me take time out of the office to go and follow my dream of traveling this country before I'm too old to manage it! Matt, who was my "hands on" in the office opening mail and scanning it for me to look at, sending the timecards every week so I could do payroll, printing and mailing, and everything in between that I wasn't there to do in person. Jenny and Mike who took Mum for five weeks so I wouldn't worry about her being home alone. Daniel who checked the house for us, picked up mail and mowed the grass. Two of our neighbors who helped Daniel with the mowing and all of the neighbors who kept an eye on our house for us. And last, but certainly not least, the LORD who protected us and granted us His travel mercies to drive 6,158 miles in the truck and over 2,000 on the motorcycle seeing the beautiful country He created for us to enjoy and my goodness, did we ever ENJOY it!! I am so looking forward to our next trip, but I don't think we will be doing any more seven week trips...maybe four...:) Still lots of country to see!!!
So many cool things to see traveling...I don't ever want to fly again! |
Dinner stop Friday in Albuquerque |
We drove some of Rt. 66! Guess we'll be back on this road when we finish 66 in the El Camino one day/ |
YAY!! Getting close to home...:) |
We've already been to Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo so a picture from the road was good enough for me, especially when we saw all the people there!! |
Second flat. Those tire sensors Kenneth got were a very wise purchase! |
Almost there.... |
Third flat...we almost made it!! |
Hi, Mum!! I went by to see her after my Quick Care visit. Got a COVID test and a strep test - both were negative - so I went to visit since I hadn't see her in two months!! |
Jenny sent me a present from Key West!! |
Hi Elaine!!! Hi Mum!!!! We are so happy you guys made it home safe and sound. It was so much having Mum with us and I am thankful she is still able to travel. The shell wind chime is just a little something because I know you hate clutter but I was thinking about you and wanted to get you a little something. Love you all and looking forward to our December celebration!!!